
Since been a long rainy day,I feel lucky that I have a plan to go out just such a sunny day in a middle of rainy season.
Since been a long rainy day,I feel lucky that I have a plan to go out at sunny day like this.

"Hello Lisa!!"  my favorite "ochawan"-bowl with breakfast.
“Hello Lisa!!” my favorite “ochawan”-bowl with breakfast.

There are several ways to been the destination, I chose the right one. From Hanakoganei station to Higashikogane station on foot.
There is several ways to go to the destination, I chose the right one. From Hanakoganei station to Higashikogane station on foot.

Someone say this world is shaking "Purun  Purun" like a jelly. I agree some.
Someone said this world is shaking “Purun Purun” like a jelly. I agree some.

Higashikoganei Park
Higashikoganei Park

Tamagawa Jyoshui street
Tamagawa Jyoshui street

Musashisakai community center Musashisakai community center

kids can run if they want. or rather It can be said they can run spontaneously. It's one of the great things we adult has forgotten.
kids can run if they want, or rather they can run spontaneously. It’s one of the great thing we adult has forgotten.

Since been a long rainy day,I feel lucky that I have a plan to go out just such a sunny day in a middle of rainy season.

"Hello Lisa!!"  my favorite "ochawan"-bowl with breakfast.

There are several ways to been the destination, I chose the right one. From Hanakoganei station to Higashikogane station on foot.

Someone say this world is shaking "Purun  Purun" like a jelly. I agree some.

Higashikoganei Park

Tamagawa Jyoshui street

Musashisakai community center

kids can run if they want. or rather It can be said they can run spontaneously. It's one of the great things we adult has forgotten.

I walked 3-4km, most of the time I could walk under the trees watching greens and blue sky. It’s in Tokyo, can you believe? At noon I’ve been to friends classic concert, it was really impressive moment all the more at church.
She played Schubert impromptu op. 90 no. 2 (this tune itself is also beautiful, so I will put the link of play of Zimmerman) . It was really beautiful and touch my heart. Well, after the concert, I headed for Musasisakai. I met my friend there and had a nice coffee and relax time.
She had a compliment about me that I’m funny. This is the best compliment for me!

I walked 3-4km, most of the time I could walk under the trees watching greens and blue sky. It’s in Tokyo, can you believe? At noon I’ve been to friends classic concert, it was really impressive moment all the more at church.
She played Schubert impromptu op. 90 no. 2 (this tune itself is also beautiful, so I will put the link of play of Zimmerman) . It was really beautiful and touch my heart. Well, after the concert, I headed for Musasisakai. I met my friend there and had a nice coffee and relax time.
She had a compliment about me that I’m funny. This is the best compliment for me!




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